I use espionage to explore themes where characters must blur the line between fantasy and reality. Although I am familiar with the world of intelligence gathering and its practices, I am a sucker for the campy fun of the Cold War era of spy novel and film. I aim to usher in a return to such fun in the modern era by placing the spotlight on the female spy.
Science Fiction
The genre where the imagination has no boundaries. The ultimate goal would to be to join the ranks of storytellers who inspired humanity to achieve what was once thought impossible. I am a firm believer these stories go hand and hand with fantasy and magic. Therefore, themes are similar. They include the ways timey-whimey plot devices can teach us about ourselves, or how the depths of the ocean represent our deepest fears. You’ll often find my characters at odds with a an aspect the ego personified, such as a shared artificial intelligence. You’ll find inspirations from everything to Star Wars to John Carter of Mars, but with me you’re guaranteed to go to a part of the universe you’ve never seen before.
With fantasy there are truly no limits, especially if technology gets mixed in as I am prone to do. My current work in progress will be my first true entry into the genre, and I can’t wait to place it on the project page. First I must find a worthy artist.
Literary Themes
The blending of fantasy and reality
Living a lie versus discovering truth
The resurrected hero
The modern Goddess
Letting go of the past
The mother daughter bond
The father son bond
The balance of ego personified